Why Advertise


Imagine a newspaper that spreads the word about your business in the Lethbridge area for a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising … where your ad is the only one in your business category so your competition is shut out forever…and that’s small enough so your ad doesn’t get lost in a blur of overcrowded pages.

No, you’re not dreaming.

Introducing Coffee News, a small, free newspaper where news is fun and advertising is inexpensive.

* Guaranteed exposure.

The small format and built-in psychological triggers
mean that readers ALWAYS see your ad. We know how to create ads that bring you more customers. Coffee News® is seen three meals a day, seven
days a week, and readership is 5-7 times the number of copies distributed. Coffee News® allows you to reach a large, targeted audience.

* Local distribution.

You can find us at over 160 Lethbridge and Coaldale locations from fine dining establishments to fast food restaurants and other places where people wait.

* Over 15,000 people could be reading your ad every week.

Lethbridge is a casual kind of place. And what’s more casual than sitting down for a cup of coffee or a meal, grabbing Coffee News and enjoying a quick, entertaining read. That’s how Coffee News can help you tap into a HUGE pool of local customers.

* It’s affordable.

For about the price of a coffee a day, your ad can be seen all over Lethbridge and area – 3 meals a day, 7 days a week. Your ad WILL be seen!

* Readers LIKE you right from the start!

We publish only good news and we add in quirky facts that make people smile. And when people like the paper, they like you too because they see you as part of a fun-loving group.

* Lock out your competition!

We only allow one company per category to advertise with us! Your competitors are not allowed in, promoting you as the industry leader. You have the exclusive listing in Coffee News.

* Lethbridge includes 2 different editions. (Zones)

– This allows your ad to be targeted and affordable. Coffee News® manages to reach the highest concentration of potential customers of any media – for a fraction of the cost!

So… if you want to slam the door on your most formidable competitors, (they won’t even know what hit them)…if you’re tired of paying big bucks for small results…if you want to be sure that potential customers will actually SEE and READ your ad, call Duane or Carma, publishers of the Coffee News, at 403-759-1002 or email us today.